Heritage Partners

Albion-Bolton Historical Society

Website: Albion Bolton Historical Society – History of Bolton …
Contact: Nathan Hiller, President

The Albion-Bolton Historical Society was established in 1974 and is an affiliate of the Ontario Historical Society.
The objectives of the Society are to arouse interest in the story of the people and places of the district of Albion-Bolton; to collect, classify, edit and preserve information on the history of the area; and, to disseminate its knowledge and material to the general public by publishing information and holding public meetings. The Albion-Bolton Historical Society has in its care an extensive collection of early Bolton photographs. It holds regular meetings throughout the fall, winter and spring, usually on the third Monday of each month and has a variety of guest speakers on many diverse and interesting topics pertinent to the heritage of the area. Each year, the first Sunday in June – rain or shine — a walking tour is planned to visit a different part of town.

Everyone is welcome to attend.

Belfountain Heritage Society

President: Sarah Bohan
519 316-0060
Treasurer: Steve Goyeche, sgoyeche@hotmail.com

The Belfountain Heritage Society (BHS) was formed in 1992 to protect and preserve the heritage of the hamlet of Belfountain and the surrounding area. It became affiliated with the Ontario Historical Society in 1994, and is incorporated. The Society is made up of residents of Belfountain and nearby villages and has several ongoing projects, including:

• Restoration of the heritage designated, Melville White Church c.1837 (the Society’s largest project)
• Raise awareness & celebrate the rich local history & heritage landscapes of Belfountain and area through art, displays, music & film festivals, & guest speakers.

Caledon East and District Historical Society

Facebook page: Caledon East & District Historical Society

Robyn Innis, President

Address: Caledon East & District Historical Society

c/o St. James Anglican Church 6025 Old Church Road Caledon East, Ontario L7C 1H8

The Caledon East & District Historical Society was founded in 1985 by a group of long-time residents, advocates of heritage continuity and growth of the area. In early 1987, the group officially became affiliated with the Ontario Historical Society.
Meetings are held at 7:30 p.m. on the last Wednesday of January, April, June, September and November and these meetings are presently held in the St. James Anglican Church Hall on Old Church Road in Caledon East. New members are always welcome. Membership fee is $15/yearly.

As described in its Constitution, the Objectives of the Society are to:

  1. To promote and stimulate interest in the history of the people and places of Caledon East and District, Town of Caledon, Regional Municipality of Peel. 
  2. To collect, classify, edit and preserve information, relating to this district.
  3. To disseminate material so collected by publishing it in written, digital or visual form; by holding meetings for the presentation of papers and discussion, and by identifying historic sites.

Caledon East & District Historical Society has been planning and holding
meetings for 35 years. The speakers and events cover a variety of topics dealing with history in general and with the historical happenings in the Caledon East district in particular. As well the Society has been involved in many projects in the community:
• The members were instrumental in the initiation of the plans for the pavilion and park lands located on the Caledon Trailway, (part of the Trans Canada Trail).
• Early on a great deal of effort went into taping local oral histories of the
• The Society has sponsored local sports programs and offered bursaries to local schools for history students over the years.
• The Society was responsible for installing the flags which decorated the main street of the village for over 10 years.
• They published Settling the Hills, the first comprehensive book on the history of the area, For Those Who Served, the story of the men and women from this area who served in the two world wars, and were instrumental in helping to publish The School on the Hill, the history of the first school in Caledon East.
• The Society partnered with Heritage Caledon to install village heritage
plaques on significant historical sites in the village.
• To celebrate the 25th Anniversary the executive produced, Revisiting History, a comprehensive self-guided walking tour of Caledon East, which has been distributed freely throughout the village. More recently the Society produced a smaller version of the walking tour also available to all.
• The society donated to the Caledon East Revitalization Committee (CERC) to assist them in their aim to add to the beauty of the village in various ways.
• In 2016, the Caledon East & District Historical Society successfully nominated local educator, author and historian, Ken Weber, to the Walk of Fame on the Caledon Trailway.
In 2018/19 they were involved in the book on the History of the Caledon
Trailway and assisted by donating to the fund, and successfully applying for and receiving a Grant, to produce the book.

Caledon Village Heritage

Contact: Fay McCrea  mccreafl@gmail.com  519.927.5370

Caledon Village Heritage has compiled a Walking Tour of the village and presented plaques to the owners of ten historical buildings.
There are six designated heritage structures in the village.

A records collection of the oral and pictorial history of the village and surrounding area is in progress.
To contribute photographs or other historical documents relating to Caledon Village, please contact Fay McCrea.


Peel Region

  1. Town of Caledon Heritage Department
  2. Brampton and Caledon Community Foundation
  3. Heritage Mississauga(Mississauga Heritage Foundation)
  4. Peel Art Gallery, Museum and Archives
    The Peel Art Gallery, Museum and Archives (PAMA) serves the Region of Peel (Brampton, Caledon and Mississauga).

The Peel Art Gallery, Museum, and Archives (PAMA) collects, tells, and shares the stories of Peel Region. The Region of Peel Archives identifies, preserves, and provides access to Peel’s documentary heritage. They house records and photographs created by municipal governments, non-profit organizations, companies, public figures, and private citizens. As the only public archives in Peel, they are free to use in the aim to help citizens and researchers understand Peel’s past.

  1. Brampton Historical Society

Dufferin & Wellington Counties

    1. Museum of Dufferin


    The Museum of Dufferin (MoD) is located at the intersection of Highway 89 and Airport Road in Mulmur Township. It aims to collect, preserve, and interpret the history of Dufferin County, by collecting and displaying artifacts and archival material that relate to the County’s development. The MoD’s collection also contains historic buildings from Dufferin County, including a circa 1850s log house, and Orange Lodge building, and a CPR flagging station. The MoD programs wonderful events throughout the year.

    1. The Wellington County Museum and Archives
      https://www.wellington.ca/en/museum-and- archives.aspx

    The Wellington County Museum and Archives is a National Historic Site located in the building that stands as the oldest remaining House of Industry and Refuge in Canada.

    Built in 1877 as place for the poor, homeless, and destitute people of Wellington County, it operated as a Poor House and Industrial Farm until 1947. It then served as the County Home for the Aged until 1974, when it became the Wellington County Museum and Archives. An Archives wing was added, opening in 2010

Caledon East and District Historical Society

Web site: cedhs.ca
Contact: Kira Dorward, President
Address: Caledon East and District Historical Society,
Box 37, Caledon ON L7C 3L8

The Caledon East & District Historical Society was founded in 1985 by a group of
long-time residents, advocates of heritage continuity and growth of the area. In
early 1987, the group officially became affiliated with the Ontario Historical
Meetings are held at 7:30 p.m. on the last Wednesday of January, April, June,
September and November and these meetings are presently held in the St.
James Anglican Church Hall on Old Church Road in Caledon East. New members
are always welcome. Membership fee is $15/yearly.

As described in its Constitution, the Objectives of the Society are to:
• Promote and stimulate interest in the history of the people and places of
Caledon East and district;
• Collect, classify, edit and preserve information relating to this district;
• Disseminate material so collected by publishing, holding meetings for the
presentation of papers and discussion, and by marking historic sites.

Caledon East & District Historical Society has been planning and holding
meetings for 35 years. The speakers and events cover a variety of topics dealing
with history in general and with the historical happenings in the Caledon East
district in particular. As well the Society has been involved in many projects in
the community:
• The members were instrumental in the initiation of the plans for the pavilion
and park lands located on the Caledon Trailway, (part of the Trans Canada Trail,
now known as the Great Trail).
• Early on a great deal of effort went into taping local oral histories of the
• The Society has sponsored local sports programs and offered bursaries to local
schools for history students over the years.
• The Society was responsible for installing the flags which decorated the main
street of the village for over 10 years.
• They published Settling the Hills, the first comprehensive book on the history
of the area, For Those Who Served, the story of the men and women from this
area who served in the two world wars, and were instrumental in helping to
publish The School on the Hill, the history of the first school in Caledon East.
• The Society partnered with Heritage Caledon to install village heritage
plaques on significant historical sites in the village.
• To celebrate the 25th Anniversary the executive produced, Revisiting History,
a comprehensive self-guided walking tour of Caledon East, which has been
distributed freely throughout the village. More recently the Society produced a
smaller version of the walking tour also available to all.
• The society donated to the Caledon East Revitalization Committee (CERC) to
assist them in their aim to add to the beauty of the village in various ways
• In 2016, the Caledon East & District Historical Society successfully nominated
local educator, author and historian, Ken Weber, to the Walk of Fame on the
Caledon Trailway.
In 2018/19 they were involved in the book on the History of the Caledon
Trailway and assisted by donating to the fund, and successfully applying for and
receiving a Grant, to produce the book.

Caledon Village Heritage

Contact: Fay McCrea f.mccrea@sympatico.ca

Caledon Village Heritage has compiled a Walking Tour of the village and presented plaques to the owners of ten historical buildings.
There are six designated heritage structures in the village.

A records collection of the oral and pictorial history of the village and surrounding area is in progress.
To contribute photographs or other historical documents relating to Caledon Village, please contact Fay McCrea.


Peel Region

1. Town of Caledon Heritage Department

2. Brampton and Caledon Community Foundation

3. Heritage Mississauga (Mississauga Heritage Foundation)

4. Peel Art Gallery, Museum and Archives
The Peel Art Gallery, Museum and Archives (PAMA) serves the Region of Peel (Brampton, Caledon and Mississauga).

The Peel Art Gallery, Museum, and Archives (PAMA) collects, tells, and shares the stories of Peel Region. The Region of Peel Archives identifies, preserves, and provides access to Peel’s documentary heritage. They house records and photographs created by municipal governments, non-profit organizations, companies, public figures, and private citizens. As the only public archives in Peel, they are free to use in the aim to help citizens and researchers understand Peel’s past.

5. Brampton Historical Society

Dufferin & Wellington Counties

1. Museum of Dufferin

The Museum of Dufferin (MoD) is located at the intersection of Highway 89 and Airport Road in Mulmur Township. It aims to collect, preserve, and interpret the history of Dufferin County, by collecting and displaying artifacts and archival material that relate to the County’s development. The MoD’s collection also contains historic buildings from Dufferin County, including a circa 1850s log house, and Orange Lodge building, and a CPR flagging station. The MoD programs wonderful events throughout the year.

2. The Wellington County Museum and Archives
https://www.wellington.ca/en/museum-and- archives.aspx

The Wellington County Museum and Archives is a National Historic Site located in the building that stands as the oldest remaining House of Industry and Refuge in Canada.

Built in 1877 as place for the poor, homeless, and destitute people of Wellington County, it operated as a Poor House and Industrial Farm until 1947. It then served as the County Home for the Aged until 1974, when it became the Wellington County Museum and Archives. An Archives wing was added, opening in 2010.

Peel Region

1. Brampton Historical Society

2. Brampton and Caledon Community Foundation

3. Heritage Mississauga (Mississauga Heritage Foundation)

4. Peel Art Gallery, Museum and Archives
The Peel Art Gallery, Museum and Archives (PAMA) serves the Region of Peel (Brampton, Caledon and Mississauga).

The Peel Art Gallery, Museum, and Archives (PAMA) collects, tells, and shares the stories of Peel Region. The Region of Peel Archives identifies, preserves, and provides access to Peel’s documentary heritage. They house records and photographs created by municipal governments, non-profit organizations, companies, public figures, and private citizens. As the only public archives in Peel, they are free to use in the aim to help citizens and researchers understand Peel’s past.

5. Town of Caledon Heritage Department

Peel Region

1. Brampton Historical Society

2. Brampton and Caledon Community Foundation

3. Heritage Mississauga (Mississauga Heritage Foundation)

4. Peel Art Gallery, Museum and Archives
The Peel Art Gallery, Museum and Archives (PAMA) serves the Region of Peel (Brampton, Caledon and Mississauga).

The Peel Art Gallery, Museum, and Archives (PAMA) collects, tells, and shares the stories of Peel Region. The Region of Peel Archives identifies, preserves, and provides access to Peel’s documentary heritage. They house records and photographs created by municipal governments, non-profit organizations, companies, public figures, and private citizens. As the only public archives in Peel, they are free to use in the aim to help citizens and researchers understand Peel’s past.

5. Town of Caledon Heritage Department


Dufferin & Wellington Counties


1. Dufferin County Museum

The Dufferin County Museum & Archives (DCMA) is located at the intersection of Highway 89 and Airport Road in Mulmur Township. It aims to collect, preserve, and interpret the history of Dufferin County, by collecting and displaying artifacts and archival material that relate to the County’s development. The DCMA’s collection also contains historic buildings from Dufferin County, including a circa 1850s log house, and Orange Lodge building, and a CPR flagging station.

2. The Wellington County Museum and Archives
https://www.wellington.ca/en/museum-and- archives.aspx

The Wellington County Museum and Archives is a National Historic Site located in the building that stands as the oldest remaining House of Industry and Refuge in Canada.

Built in 1877 as place for the poor, homeless, and destitute people of Wellington County, it operated as a Poor House and Industrial Farm until 1947. It then served as the County Home for the Aged until 1974, when it became the Wellington County Museum and Archives. An Archives wing was added, opening in 2010.

Please check back as more tours will be added.
Thanks to Heritage Caledon.

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