Technical Information

US Department of the Interior
National Parks Service
Technical Preservation Service

Technical Preservation Services develops historic preservation policy and guidance on preserving and rehabilitating historic buildings

Preservation Briefs
Preservation Briefs provide guidance on preserving, rehabilitating, and restoring historic buildings.

Preservation Tech Notes provide practical information on traditional practices and innovative techniques for successfully maintaining and preserving cultural resources.

The Association for Preservation Technology International

APT Building Technology Heritage Library

Algonquin College (mainly masonry)


Conservation, Preservation, Restoration

Mortars and Lime

Dry Stone Walling

Stone Quarries and Quarrying

Brick Resources


Help for Homeowners

Doors, Awnings, Porches

Doors, Practical Conservation Guideline by the City of Saint John, NB

Porches, Practical Conservation Guideline by the City of Saint John, NB

Awnings, Practical Conservation Guideline by the City of Saint John, NB


Façades, Practical Conservation Guideline by the City of Saint John, NB


Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada

What Style is it? A guide to historic housing styles – by the Vancouver Heritage Foundation and Victoria Heritage Foundation, Your Old House Series #6

Home Maintenance

Tips on Home Maintenance in Canada

Water Infiltration – Heritage Magazine, Nuts and Bolts


Insuring Your Heritage Home – Insurance Board of Canada

Getting Insurance for Your Heritage Property – Heritage Magazine, Winter 2005


Masonry, Practical Conservation Guildeline by the City of Saint John, NB

Repair of Stone – by Susan Turner, Heritage Magazine, Spring 2002

Repair of Poured Concrete – by Susan Turner, Heritage Magazine, Summer 2001

Masonry Conservation – Conservation Bulletin Series, Saskatchewan Heritage Foundation source:

Paint and Colour

True Colour, Authentic Heritage Colour & Placement – by the Vancouver Heritage Foundation and Victoria Heritage Foundation, Your Old House Series #5

Paint and Colour, Practical Conservation Guideline series by the City of Saint John, NB

Paint – by the Vancouver Heritage Foundation and Victoria Heritage Foundation, Your Old House Series #1


Roofs, Practical Conservation Guideline series by the City of Saint John, NB

Roof Conservation – Conservation Bulletin Series, Saskatchewan Heritage Foundation source:


Windows in Historic Buildings: Sustainable, Repairable by Susan Turner, presents an overview on maintaining and upgrading wood windows.

Repair or Replace: Arriving at a Sustainable Solution by Craig Sims and Andrew Powter, examines the myths associated with window replacement, the durability of traditional window systems and the standards by which window performance is measured in Canada.

Maintenance and Repair of Historic Wood Windows by Craig Sims and Andrew Powter, describes the common maintenance and repair techniques for typical traditional wood window problems.

Improving Thermal Performance of Historic Windows by Craig Sims and Andrew Powter, describes the basics of window thermal performance and a range of strategies for optimizing the thermal performance of traditional windows.

Traditional Windows

Wood Windows by the Vancouver Heritage Foundation & Victoria Heritage Foundation, Your Old House Series #3

Windows, Practical Conservation Guildeline by the City of Saint John, NB

Maintaining the Beauty of Stained Glass – by Susan Turner, Heritage Magazine, Summer 2004

Wood and Wood Siding

Keeping Wood Siding on Historic Buildings by Andrew Powter,describes the advantages of retaining historic siding materials and identifies some of the disadvantages of installing modern materials like aluminium or vinyl over the original siding. It also describes the repair and refinishing of wood siding.

Repairing Wood Siding on Historic Buildings: Runciman House by Andrew Powter, is a case study of siding repair methods used in the restoration of the 200-year-old Runciman House in Annapolis Royal, N.S.

Wood Siding by the Vancouver Heritage Foundation & Victoria Heritage Foundation, Your Style Series #4

A Wood Primer – by Susan Turner, Heritage Magazine, Summer 2000

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