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Town of Caledon Heritage Department
Peel Art Gallery Museum + Archives (PAMA)
The Wellington County Museum and Archives |
Town of Caledon Heritage Department
Heritage Caledon is a statutory committee, established under the Heritage Act, comprising of nine (9) residents and one (1) Councillor, who, with the assistance of Town staff, act as volunteers to provide assistance and advice to Council on matters relating to designation under Part IV and Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990 c. O. 18, and, have a direct or indirect impact on cultural heritage resources within the Town of Caledon.
Heritage Caledon promotes heritage awareness, stewardship and conservation and is dedicated to the conservation of Caledon’s cultural and built heritage.
Local history
Heritage Caledon has preserved the history of Caledon by describing the makeup of our cultural heritage:
Early Euro-Candian Settlement
Ghost Hamlets
Historical Railways
Historical Schools
Plaques & Signage
Historic Maps
Cultural Heritage Landscapes
To be designated a Cultural Heritage Landscape the area of interest must not have been altered or modified by humans; it must connect with major historic themes that have shaped the area, and it must have historic significance.
The Town of Caledon has identified the following areas:
- Section 1: Introduction
- Section 2: The Far Northwest Corner
- Section 3: Melville
- Section 4: Alton and Environs
- Section 5: Former Settlement of Silver Creek
- Section 6: Farmsteads of Former Chinguacousy
- Section 7: The Credit River Valley: Settlements of the Niagara Escarpment
- Section 8: Scottish Settlement along St. Andrew’s Road
- Section 9: Irish Settlement of Northwest Albion
- Section 10: South Albion Farmsteads
- Section 11: Bolton’s Historic Core
- Section 12: Rockside
- Section 13: Former Credit Valley Railway
- Section 14: Candidate CHLs Requiring Further Investigation
- Section 15: Other Candidate CHLs Considered
Grants, Incentives, Benefits and Financial Assistance
As an owner of a historically designated property the Town of Caledon offers a grant to help fund conservation of such properties:
Peel Art Gallery Museum + Archives (PAMA)
Peel Art Gallery, Museum and Archives serves the entire Region of Peel (Brampton, Caledon and Mississauga), a growing municipality with a population of over 1.3 million individuals from diverse backgrounds. PAMA also partners with community-based cultural, social services, health, arts and heritage organizations.
Many of PAMA’s historical buildings are protected by the Ontario Heritage Act, including the Registry Office, built in 1890, and the Peel County Courthouse and Jail, both opened in 1867.
PAMA Home Page:
The Wm. Perkins Bull fonds is one of the best sources of local history in the entire collection, and contains a great deal of material on Caledon and its former townships and hamlets. The above link is to a listing of his research files on area families (many of whom would have lived in the current Caledon area)
Bull touches on a wide range of topics, including Indigenous peoples, early settlements, family history, military history, religious organizations, industry, agriculture, transportation and communication, etc. His focus was Peel, including the Caledon area.
Various photographic collections, some of which document Caledon (especially the Russell Cooper fonds, but also the Bolton Enterprise fonds and the Frost postcards).
The “Region of Peel Archives photograph collection” would also contain a great many photographs of the Caledon-Albion area.
PAMA also holds a large collection of aerial photographs of the entire Peel area from 1967-2015 (Region of Peel fonds)
Other sites of interest at PAMA:
Government records:
An overview of the records for all schools in Caledon, including those in the former area townships.
Fire Insurance maps:
PAMA also adds descriptions to Archeion on a regular basis.
Also held at PAMA
Government records:
Records of the former townships of Caledon, Albion, Chinguacousy (northern portion), Villages of Caledon East and Bolton.
County of Peel and Region of Peel records would also contain relevant material.
Fire Insurance maps:
Alton, Bolton, Cheltenham etc.
PAMA also holds a large collection of aerial photographs of the entire Peel area from 1967-2015 (Region of Peel fonds)
You can also run queries in our PAMA’s Archeion page to see what material is currently described online,
PAMA also adds descriptions to Archeion on a regular basis.
The Wellington County Museum and Archives
The Wellington County Museum and Archives is a National Historic Site that stands as the oldest remaining rural House of Industry and Refuge in Canada.
Built in 1877 as place for the poor, homeless, and destitute people of Wellington County, it operated as a Poor House and Industrial Farm until 1947. It then served as the Wellington County Home for the Aged until 1971. It is now home to the Wellington County Museum and Archives.